Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Defenestration- Act of throwing out the window. these are three relief prints I made that work as individuals or as a group. They were my first experience with sosaku hanga, and I can say it takes a lot of patience,water, and hard work to get it right. 

Set Your Kitten to Self Destruct

This is a informative lithograph I made last semester. It teaches you the easiest way to set your kitten to self destruct (no kittens were harmed in the making of this print, nor does it condone kitten violence). As I said this is a lithograph and I colored it with crushed pastel applied with a brush which resulted in very soft color.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

BFA Teaser

This is really early but... This year I am really pushing to have some giant prints for my BFA show in May, so here are some blocks at their humble beginnings.

(Note my trusty yellow stool)

Model Homes

This is a project currently in progress. what I'm doing is painting small 5x7 paintings of homes used in family sitcoms. Ultimately I would like viewers (especially viewer of my generation, raised on television) to reflect on how as children they might have tried to model there own families after the ones they knew so well from TV.

The Simpson Family Home, Springfield USA

The Banks Family Home, Bel-air CA

The Brady Family Home, Hollywood CA (in progress)

The Arnold Family Home, CA USA (in progress)